MYB are active in a lot of different areas – from educating young people to working in the community to improving skills of our attendees. You can see some of our activities listed below.

Study Circles
MYG have been holding Islamic study classes for years. We concentrate on teaching our youngsters the basics of our Deen which help them to develop a love for Allah swt and understand our purpose in this life.
As an organisation, we aim to cater for Muslims from different backgrounds, and followers of different Madahib (Schools of Thought).

Qiyam-ul-Layl simply means “Night Standing” in Arabic, and these programmes have been used for decades to help bring people closer to Allah swt.
We invite youngsters to attend on a Friday night and leave after Fajr, or around 7.30am on the following day. To keep youngsters engaged, we have a varied programme that includes activities and workshops.

Day Trips
Day trips are a great way of seeing the beauty of Allah (swt)’s creation. They create unity and build unforgettable memories in the minds of youngsters.

If there’s one thing that youngsters absolutely cherish – it’s programmes away fom home. Residentials are an excellent way to teach youngsters life skills and learning more about themselves – outside of their comfort zone.
Since the youngsters will be away from home, special care and attention are paid to ensure that the programme goes smoothly, with all eventualities considered.

An important objective of MYG is to create tomorrow’s leaders. This begins with instilling confidence in the youngsters, and in order to achieve this, a portion of the weekly circle involves the youngsters presenting in front of their mentors and peers.
Having the youngsters organise various activities and reminders as well as leading prayers is also a great leadership boosting method.

Community Cohesion
We actively work on building bridges through interfaith work, and also through bringing forth the peaceful message of Islam.
One of the projects which MYG recently developed was the “Neighbour Iftaar Box”, which comprised of a pack which Muslims could give to their neighbours during Ramadhan.

Introducing people to the beauty of Islam is of paramount importance. We have been involved with ‘Islam Awareness/Interfaith Week’ for a number of years, and a number of our mentors work closely with interfaith organisations.
It’s great to teach our youngsters that they are the ambassadors of Islam, and that their character should always be exemplary, such that when people see them, they see the beauty of Islam.

Social Action
Learning to become valuable members of the community we live in by helping those less fortunate than us is an excellent method of worshipping Allah swt.
MYG have been involved with litter picking and with feeding the homeless, which is something that Muslims do regularly.

Bringing Muslims together is one of the major objectives of MYG. We have various programmes throughout the year to bring Muslims together in the hope that they develop a love for one another.
Throughout the year, we run family walks and get-togethers such as iftaar programmes to help promote love and unity.

We are currently in the process of creating a mentor database for the Muslim community in order to help youngsters make informed decisions about which careers they wish to pursue in the future.
These mentors will able to offer advice about their chosen disciplines as well as offer work experience.

MYG have been involved in collecting charity for various organisations such as Islamic Relief, Families Relief, Muslim Charity and for their own organisation too.
Recently, the youngsters took part in a sponsored climb to Mount Snowdon, which raised around £1,000 for local activities.

As an organisation, we aim to develop our media wing in which we can produce quality programmes for the youth through various mediums such as YouTube, social media and traditional radio.
MYG have presented on local radio station Unity FM (93.5FM) numerous times, and aim to have a weekly show in the near future, insha Allah.

Creating future leaders with a great sense of Business and Enterprise is of great value to the Ummah. We aim to help our youngsters understand the value of trade and earning Halaal Rizk.
So far, our team have created a number of Merchandising Options including the “Dua Cube” as well as a number of Branded Items which can be used to help young Muslims feel like they’re a part of something special, insha Allah.
Some of the youngsters are currently involved in running a tuck shop with the aim of learning about profit/loss and running a business.
Whatever your age, background and interests, we have something for everyone! Send us your details through our contact page and we’ll find a local representative to speak to you about joining MYG.